Our professional learning is PLPG and Act48 approved.

We will help you implement new curricula or develop K-12 science education resources.

We will consult on your science or science education project.

Texas-focused workshops

Science Topic Workshops

We welcome participants from multiple schools/districts.

We customize content (e.g., in Indiana, we focus on the 2023 Indiana Academic Standards for Science; in Pennsylvania, we discuss the new STEELS).


Tell us about your needs and challenges

  • We work in all states and territories

Tell us about your project

  • We help districts develop equitable, standards-aligned curricular resources that are phenomenon-based and student-centered.

  • We help teachers develop high quality, standards-aligned formative or summative assessments.

  • We help teachers find appropriate curricular resources and evaluate how well their current materials align to their state’s standards (adjusting the materials if necessary).

  • We help districts develop standard proficiency scales.

Browse the Proficiency Goals