For participants in Texas, we focus on the 2021 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science (TEKS) and use phenomena relevant to Texas students.
These Framework-based standards reflect a nationwide shift in K-12 science education that we have spent years helping implement in states across the country.
We are PLPG and Act48 certified.
Browse our offerings below.
The image is a slide used in Introduction to Phenomena for TEKS.
plan your custom session
Introduction to Phenomena for TEKS involves eight contact hours, plus time spent on assignments (pricing).
- For individuals, we run online sessions.
- For groups, we offer it in customizable online blocks.
- For groups, we also run it in-person over two days, which allows for more interaction during assignments.
- We will schedule hybrid sessions.
Contact us to plan.
We welcome participants from multiple schools/districts.
plan your custom session
TEKS and Phenomena I involves 16 contact hours, plus time on assignments (pricing)
- For individuals, we run online sessions on request.
- For groups, we offer it in customizable online blocks.
- For groups, we also run it in-person over two or three days, which allows for more coaching during assignments.
T&P I should follow Introduction to Phenomena for TEKS unless participants are well versed in using phenomena and the new TEKS in student-centered classrooms.
Contact us to plan.
We welcome participants from multiple schools/districts.
plan your custom session
We will bundle Intro and TEKS and Phenomena I into a three-day in-person session. Doing so eliminates the need to review Intro material in T&P I and allows us to cover additional topics.
We run this for groups of up to 25 at $17500, which includes facilitator travel.
Contact us to schedule.
We welcome participants from multiple schools/districts.
plan your custom session
TEKS and Phenomena II involves 16 contact hours, plus time spent on assignments (pricing).
- For individuals, we run online sessions on request.
- For groups, we offer it in customizable online blocks.
- For groups, we also run it in-person over two or three days, which allows for more coaching during assignments.
T&P II should follow T&P I.
Contact us to plan.
We welcome participants from multiple schools/districts.
plan your custom session
We offer discussions of a science topic of your choice.
You choose the time ($25/hour for online groups of 1-5).
Contact us to schedule.
plan your custom session
For alumni of Introduction to Phenomena for TEKS, we discuss student proficiency and phenomena for a TEKS grouping of your choice.
You choose the time ($25/hour for groups of 1-5).
Contact us to schedule.
plan your custom session
This workshop provides instruction and practice in crafting phenomenon-based activities aligned to the 2021 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science (TEKS)
- The first part consists of Introduction to Phenomena for TEKS, TEKS and Phenomena I, and aspects of TEKS and Phenomena II (including deeper explorations of what proficiency means in terms of the new TEKS and the idea of linking related phenomena together under coherent anchors).
- From there, we brainstorm phenomena and draft activities where students use logical combinations of TEKS elements to address those phenomena.
Writing TEKS Activities involves 40 contact hours.
We will work with you to schedule.
We welcome participants from multiple schools/districts.
plan your custom session
This workshop provides instruction and practice in crafting phenomenon-based performance tasks aligned to the 2021 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science (TEKS), at the classroom formative and summative levels.
- The first part consists of TEKS and Phenomena II, with deeper explorations of best practices in evaluating student performance and bias/sensitivity in test writing.
- From there, participants examine activity sets for assessment points and begin writing and peer-reviewing questions and prompts for selected TEKS elements (these are focused on phenomena presented to participants and on phenomena that they brainstorm themselves).
This workshop should follow TEKS and Phenomena I.
Writing TEKS Assessments involves 40 in-person hours.
We will work with you to schedule.
We welcome participants from multiple schools/districts.